Motivation Bubble

When will the Motivation Bubble burst?

We’ve had the Tech Bubble.  We’ve had the Housing Bubble.  Both of those bubbles popped and effectively drowned countless numbers of businesses and individuals, as well as the national economy, for extended periods of time.

When will the Motivation Bubble finally burst?

I await this bursting.  Unlike the bursting of the Tech Bubble or the Housing Bubble, the bursting of the Motivation Bubble will have a materially positive effect, both immediately and indefinitely, on businesses and individuals throughout the entire world.

What am I talking about?  It’s simple – the bursting of the Motivation Bubble will empower individuals to escape the guise of “motivation” and take action on what they envision as their mission fulfillment.

Many of us find ourselves captive to this Motivation Bubble.  A bubble clouded in books, blog posts, podcasts, YouTube videos, and Instagram clips that hype you up, make you feel momentarily motivated, and then fade away just as quickly as they appeared in your feed.  The more posts you read, the more clips you view, and the more they fade as you search for the next motivational source … the more time you waste, the more agitated you become at the lack of progress in your life, and the more helpless you view yourself and your own circumstances.

Stop wasting time.  Stop becoming agitated.  Stop viewing yourself as helpless.  Rather, TAKE ACTION!  Two simple words that will make the Motivation Bubble burst.  You’ll stop wasting your time with ineffective motivational findings; when you take action, you’re actually speeding up the time it takes you to achieve your goal … because you’re doing something to tangibly realize your goal!  You’ll stop becoming agitated; when you take action, you develop positive forward momentum that positively impacts your state of mind.  You’ll stop viewing yourself as helpless; when you take action, you’ll notice your progress and understand that you are helping yourself achieve your mission.

Motivation is temporary.  It lasts for a few days, or minutes, or seconds.  You’d be hard pressed to be motivated to do everything required of you, since you’re bound to find something unpleasant or tedious.

Discipline is permanent.  It lasts throughout your life, across all activities you pursue.  And how do you trigger your discipline?  You keep taking ACTION, consistently, over time!  Your conscious decision to take action will outlast the temporal nature of motivation.  And, the more action you take, you actually enhance your own motivation by seeing the tangible fruits of your labor.  When you see these fruits, you start to see the branches, which give way to the tree, which gave way to the roots.  You start to see that you can access more fruit than you once envisioned.  You can water the roots of your tree to further grow your tree, as well as its production of fruits.  The roots are your discipline … the water is your action.  The more action you take, the more disciplined you become, and the more fruits you both create and cultivate.  Sooner than you realize, you’ll create the tree, treehouse, and forest of your dreams.

When will the Motivation Bubble burst?  Soon, I hope.  More importantly, when will YOUR Motivation Bubble burst?  It will burst when you take action.  It will burst when you stop making excuses.  It will burst when you stop hiding under the umbrella of “motivation” and when you start using the raindrops to water your roots.  Stop shielding yourself from raindrops of action, and start using them as water sources for your roots.

Take action to fuel your discipline.  Trade the momentary motivational musing for a lasting, productive application of action and discipline.  This is precisely what is required to burst your Motivation Bubble!

Go out and take action!  The sooner, the better 🙂

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