Happy Socks

Why happy socks are game changers in business, and in life

After joining the business world, I was introduced to the happy sock.  Or the crazy sock, as some people call it.  I’m crazy about happy socks, so for continuity, I’ll use “happy sock” for the remainder of this article.

For those who are unaware, happy socks are dress socks that carry flashy or unconventional designs.  If you’d like a visual, please refer to the picture above.

When I was initially introduced to the happy sock, I’ll be honest … I was skeptical.  Still, I figured I’d give it a try.

Then all of a sudden, my world changed.  My mindset changed.  My sense of business changed.

Okay, I’m exaggerating a little bit (or a lot bit).  Although I didn’t notice immediate changes after purchasing and wearing my first happy socks, I’ve since taken the time to reflect on these little pieces of joy and their intangible impact on my temperament.

And I’ve come to a startling, groundbreaking conclusion: happy socks represent fundamental truths that can enhance your approach to business, relationships, and life itself.

The acceptance and embodiment of these fundamental truths can materially impact your success in all your pursuits, regardless of nature.  And this statement alone can truly change your life, over time, as you embrace these truths every day … and every time you put on your happy socks.

Let’s discuss three fundamental truths that happy socks uncover:

1)Little bits of originality, uniqueness, and self-expression can spice up your life, just like happy socks spice up your wardrobe with just a little bit of visible surface area. Your otherwise mundane business wardrobe can redefine itself in the happy socks that accompany the rest of your ensemble – you maintain total control over your happy socks and what you choose to let them represent about you.  If you’re passionate about sports, embrace a football design.  If you love the ocean, embrace a sailboat design.  These little bits of uniqueness and self-expression remind you that, in whatever circumstance you face (or whatever wardrobe requirement you encounter), you always have some control over how you respond and how you present yourself.

2)Your authentic, genuine self attracts like-minded individuals and consequent opportunities, just like happy socks serve as conversation starters for coworkers who appreciate things like design, self-expression, and happy socks themselves. As an extension of self-expression, happy socks grab the attention of other coworkers and lead to conversations that additionally spice up the lives of all involved.  I’ve had at least three conversations, within the span of three weeks, centered around happy socks and preferred designs, all because a colleague spotted a fellow happy sock enthusiast (and yes, the sock in question was yellow-spotted).  When you embrace your true self, and allow others to see who you are, you begin to form genuine relationships that gradually progress to discussions over belts, or a new project opportunity, or the meaning of life itself.

3)Joy is simple and internal, not complicated and external, just like happy socks bring joy when you slip them on in the morning, peek at them during meetings, and take them off once you finish work. A simple pair of happy socks can transform your day, especially as you feel your originality, uniqueness, and self-expression flow from your heart, to your hands (as you grab your socks), and ultimately to your feet (as you put on your socks).  Although this example is a bit of a stretch (pun intended), a mindset of joy will transform the simple things into beautiful representations of calmness and contentment.  How we approach our internal mindset reflects in our actions and impact in the external world.

Now that we’ve uncovered these three fundamental truths, I recommend you cover your feet with happy socks.  In turn, you can capitalize on your uniqueness, relate to others, and find joy in all aspects of your life.

When you capitalize on your uniqueness, you optimize the value that you add to your own goals, as well as to the world around you.  When you relate to others, you compound the impact that you leave on your vocation, avocation, and community.  When you find joy in all aspects of your life, you maximize the time and energy spent with colleagues, family, and friends.  All aspects of your life are touched, from your work to your play.

So yes, I was serious when I said that happy socks can change your life.  In fact, anything can change your life … if you let it.

What will change your life today?  And will you let it change you?  Change delivers true results only when we accept it, seek it, and leverage it for improvement.

Feel free to grab a happy sock.  Or, at the very least, find your own version of the happy sock.  And clutch onto it.  And use it.  And let it change you from the inside out.  But make sure the sock isn’t inside out when you wash it.


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    • Troy
    • July 11, 2018

    Kyle, this is a fun post and filled with truth! Recently I needed to add a couple of summer shirts to my wardrobe, I bought one that was navy blue…but with small flamingos and another that was grey and covered with small dinosaur silhouettes. I smile just thinking about those silly shirts. Plus, as you’ve observed, they start conversations. I even did a FB Live video about whimsy and used one of them as an example. Thanks again for sharing your perspective! Keep up the great and encouraging work. 🙂

      • Kyle Crooke
      • July 16, 2018

      Thanks for sharing, Troy! So awesome that you were able to leverage your shirts over FB Live!

      I appreciate your encouragement. Will keep up my work! Keep up your work as well 🙂

      God bless!

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